Self-Care Practices for REALTORS®

Avoiding Burnout 

When you get into real estate, you’re likely privy to the ins and outs of the business and what it takes to be successful. Many REALTORS® see their business and clients as an extension of them instead of simply their chosen source of income. You can have a great passion for real estate, but that doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice self-care practices that keep you on the ball. 

Your clients will all work within different industries, and not everyone you’re working with will function on a 9-5. Because of this, you will likely experience texts, calls, and emails at all hours of the day and night. While you want to be available to your clients, you have to know when to take a step back for yourself.

Being overly available may seem like something the best REALTORS® do, but it will only lead to burnout in the long run. You have to set certain boundaries for yourself. These could include times when you’re going to stop responding to calls or emails and days you’ll spend off. Sometimes, you need to be completely unavailable unless it’s a dire emergency.

Working with a Purpose 

You are much less likely to work with meaning when burnt out, and when that tiredness catches up with you, the way you handle business will suffer. Instead of working 24/7, take the time to iron out a schedule you can stick to and work with purpose within that timeframe.

This will be better for yourself and your clients in the long run because you’ll always be fresh and ready to go, and your clients will always get the best version of you. It’s a win-win for all parties involved when you work with purpose.

Give Yourself Down Time Without Guilt 

Real estate can be fickle. Sometimes you’ll be in the process of making 10 deals a month, whereas other times, the business will slow to a glacial pace. When periods of downtime hit, as they will, you have to remember to let yourself use that opportunity to breathe, readjust, and realign with your goals.

Many REALTORS® will look at these slower periods as negative aspects of the industry. While you may make less money during this time, you give yourself more opportunity to focus on other parts of the business that will benefit you long-term. Don’t feel guilty when you’re in a slow period. Embrace the break for what it is: an opportunity.

Don’t Forget to Celebrate Your Success 

It’s the little things in life that count and when you make a sale or your client’s offer is accepted on a new purchase, celebrate that. You put in the work to get those things done, so when they finally do happen, don’t just skip by it and move on to the next job.

Celebrate yourself and all the work you’ve put into your business. This boost of happiness from even the smallest of celebrations is great for your mental health and offers you a simple way to care for yourself as you work hard towards your goals.  

Taking care of yourself while you take care of business is paramount, and if you want to soar to new heights, you’ll have to take the time to do so.

Colin Bradford is a certified Business MAPS and The One Thing, Coach.